West Seattle High School

West Seattle
High School
College & Career


West Seattle HS Internships

Teens in Public Service

High schoolers passionate about community service and social issues get placed at nonprofit organizations in our community. During their internships, students develop job readiness skills in the context of the nonprofit sector, which can look like anything from managing food bank donations, supporting teaching artists, developing marketing campaigns, working at a care facility, and much more!

Apply for Teens in Public Service Internship (Paid)

Career Quest Internships

Student wearing mask holding up peace sign on construction job site

Career Quest is a Seattle Public Schools (SPS) Internship program. Students can earn high school credit outside of their school day while exploring careers for their futures. These internships and jobs help students gain valuable experience to prepare them for future success. The Career Quest program connects students to credit-earning opportunities in two ways:

Internship Directory

Updated: February 18, 2025

Live list of community internships open to Seattle Public Schools students (ages and requirements vary).

Review the tabs below to search for available internships and learning opportunities. Check out the Career Quest – Internships tab above for details on how to earn credit for work or an internship managed by Seattle Public Schools.

Internships & Programs – Open

Have an internship to add? Email careerconnected@whtmy.com!

Looking for more? Check out the list below of internships, maintained by other organizations in the Puget Sound area:

Associated Recreation Council (ARC) Job List

Mountains to Sound Greenway Internship List

Communities of Opportunity – Workforce Development List